
Our mission is to harness the power of Node.js to help businesses succeed by creating scalable, efficient, and high-performance web applications.

Why Barqsol Technologies

11+ years of experience in the field of Node.js development.
Barqsol Technologies provides lightning fast performance
All the solution are easy to scale from startup to a giant business.
Professionals at Barqsol follows best coding practices.
We provide cost-effective solutions to client with complete support
Cooperation setup within 5 days.

Hire Node.js Developer

Highly Skilled and Experienced Team

100% Confidentiality Assured (Strict NDA Terms)

Project Management Service Available

What We Develop with Node.js

Web & Mobile Apps

Web Servers

Custom API’s

Industry Exporties

  • Healthcare
  • Technology
  • Retails
  • Education
  • Finance
  • Transportation & Logistics
  • Hospitality
  • Construction
  • Manufacturing

Service Options

Our services are designed to cater to a variety of needs:

  • Custom Application Development: We create tailored web applications to suit your unique business requirements.
  • Consulting and Support: Our experts provide guidance, solve issues, and ensure your Node.js project is a success.
  • Migrations and Upgrades: If you’re looking to migrate to Node.js or upgrade your existing application, we’ve got you covered.

Related Technologies We Use

In addition to Node.js, we harness the power of related technologies to create comprehensive solutions:

  • Express.js: A fast, minimalist web framework for Node.js, ideal for building robust web applications.
  • MongoDB: We use this NoSQL database to create scalable and flexible data solutions.
  • React.js: For building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
  • Angular.js: If your project requires a more comprehensive, feature-rich framework, we’ve got you covered.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Our solutions are designed to work seamlessly on different platforms, ensuring a broad reach for your audience.

Security is Our Priority

We take security seriously. Your data and your customers’ data are safe in our hands.

Responsive Design

Our web applications are responsive and look stunning on any device, providing an exceptional user experience.

Agile Development

We follow agile methodologies, ensuring transparency, flexibility, and a focus on your needs.


Check out our latest work in UI/UX design, Mobile & Web development.

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    • Full-Stack developer with up-to-date skills
    • 100% Confidentiality Assured (Strict NDA Terms)
    • Project Management Service Available